We Request Your Help!
#SIGSgym is changing our considerations for athletes in the gym, and requesting that all persons regardless of vaccination status, please wear face coverings in the building immediately; all changes will begin on September 7.
SIGS has not had wide-spread breakouts of COVID-19 from our facility, however, families have been so good to report exposure and potential exposures to us that have helped us inform and consider our processes.
During the week of August 22, two entire teams comprising 37 team athletes were quarantined due to a single outbreak within each team (so 37 quarantined for 2 athletes that were positive). Two classes separately were also notified of single-student exposure within their class, so another 8 students were affected. This is untenable for all families.
As such, beginning September 7 unless otherwise earlier mandated by CDC/Floyd County Health Department, SIGS will strongly advise:
All persons, regardless of vaccination status, wear a face covering in our facility.
INCLUDING athletes in the gyms at every age 3+.
Athletes doing simple skills, like chin holds on the bar, will wear face coverings during this event.
More advanced skills where face coverings can impact safety including sightlines, face coverings will be instructed to be removed (to below chin or otherwise secured for accessibility following the event).
Swim students cannot wear face coverings in the pool.
What else will SIGS be doing to enhance safety protocols?
NEW: For our teams, athletes will be grouped in partners or pods of small numbers for workouts and rotations; they will be paired with the same friends by the coach. Should an athlete become ill, we will be able to trace quickly and easily to the small pods per team and a much smaller number will be impacted if quarantines are required per health department advisory.
Classes are already in small ratios of 4:1 or 6:1.
NEW: Cubbies - SIGS will not permit food or drink, other than water, in gyms. This has always been a rule, but we will be enforcing this. Any bags can be stored in a cubbie, but athletes should rotate with their water bottle that is marked with their name. Athletes will not be permitted to hang out in the cubbie area, and will be dismissed to cubbies by their coach once others have moved on from the area. This includes at end of practice.
CONTINUING: Cleaning and sanitizing between class and team rotations.
CONTINUING: Cleaning high-touch surfaces, including doors, chairs, stairs, counters, and bathrooms are wiped down frequently.
CONTINUING: Hand sanitizer is distributed at the entrance and exit to gyms and between rotations.
RENEWED: As required as part of a staff uniform, SIGS is requiring all staff to resume wearing face coverings regardless of vaccination status in the gyms and office. Again, wearing face coverings in the pool is not required.
We are all ready to move on from this virus, and the impact it is having on all of our lives. We understand that opinions may vary on masking, vaccines, and many other wide ranging topics. We are operating from an abundance of caution and following the advice of health officials to keep our families and staff healthy. We appreciate your assistance in advance!